Half Full 半滿

Monday, November 20, 2006

我回来了... I think...

Hey Hey... Yes, yes... I've got many complains that I have not been updating my blog. Even my chat thingy is gone.. Will try to get it back after this. One thing at a time ya.. Actually, I didn't expect others to visit my blog and apparently I am wrong... He...

Anyway, nothing happening/exciting/special happened to me recently.. Well.. Unless you are saying loosing my phone, going KL by car, house under-renovationg, etc... Something I can blog.. Hmm.. come to think of it... Think I can wo...

Alright alright... I was lazy..

See how sorry my face is.. Forgive me ya.. I will try to update more often

Went to sgscuba's forum BBQ gathering at Tanjong Katong last night.. A familar place for me.. I grew up around there.. Everything still looks about the same as 6 years ago, only that some new condos has pop out of no where and some build looks better from upgrades. Well, met lots of new friends at the BBQ and it was great hearing others tell you about how exciting their dive trips went and what kind of weird names fishes they saw... Sigh... Don;t know when my next dive trip will be. I wanna dive before my new work starts... :(

I didn't take many photos with my phone and the only phones I tooks was Pepsi's...

Dear all.. This is Pepsi..

Couldn't take a front picture of Pepsi cos he didn;t want to look at me.. :(

Opps.. It's close to 2 am... Need to sleep.. Working as part time storeman now..




  • At 12:00 AM, Blogger bbs said…

    Yes pluto, thank you so much for visiting and "motivating" me to blog.. lol

  • At 12:58 AM, Blogger Felicia Emmanuelle said…

    ya yr blog is dusty liao le... more update le... n pics too n ya send me those pics frm kl as well...

  • At 5:44 PM, Blogger ShinoZ said…

    Hi Pluto,
    I click on your name EVE , though will link me to your blog.. i think you don't have a blog? hurhur.. anyway.. HIhi...

  • At 8:02 PM, Blogger bbs said…

    Hoi! The chat box is for you to chat and not to rust... Here is for comments....


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