Half Full 半滿

Monday, July 25, 2005

Diving Trip

Tried typing in chinese but its gonna take a super long time so decided to switch back to english.

Friday, after meeting my customer at Nee Ann Poly headed straight down to International Plaza to meet all the others for our weekend trip. Meet BB at 1700 for dinner before we head down as it's going to be a long journey.

We were right on time but the others seems to be taking their own sweet time. Strolling to the shop even when they are late. Oh well, what can I say... Anyway, after checking our equipments and loading it up to the tiny van, it marks the start of our long awaited diving trip.

Four hours of ride in a super mini van sucks big time when you are tall and.. fat... Hee... The van was traveling at an average of 110km per hour... Fast huh...

Well by the time we reach Mersing it's already 2330 and the tide was really low. We had to take a smaller speed boat out to deeper water to transfer to our dive boat for the next two days.

Well I thought the van ride sucked, but the boat ride was much worst. It was late at night so there was nothing to see, nothing to do and no where to sleep as most of the spots were taken up.

So after awhile of moving up and down the boat, finally found some where to lie down with BB. It's right at the end of the boat and it was super windy, cold and uncomfortable so didn't really get to sleep much. After about 3 hours of the dreadful ride, I couldn't take it. Wanted to puke but couldn't only burp, felt better after that and tried sleeping again. When we reach Dayang, it's already 0430 in the morning. Was glad and excited about the island but the ride spoiled everything. Anyway after settling down everyone went to bed.

Woke up at 0730 had breakfast till 0900 and off we went to our first diving site, Teluran. After all the briefing, who to follow who, wait for the Dive Master to tie rope below and by the time we first jump into the water, it was already 1045. The sea was cold and salty, scary as you have totally no idea what lies/swims beneath you. When we were all ready, we started diving down one by one, I was the third one to go down. It was beautiful... Totally different from what you see up on land. Fishes, corals, lots of dead corals and lots of water.. Haha.. It's a whole new experience and environment.

Had difficulties balancing underwater, flipping here and there, holding on to the rope and waiting for everyone to come down. Everything is just so different, you are dependent on the air tank for your dear life. One small mistake and you will have lung over expansion, drown... Scary...

We did all the things we should and headed back up as my air was already low, with less then 50 bar left. Guess I was just breathing too hard and trying to get used to it, so used up oxygen very fast. In all, our first dive went pretty well, everything went as planned and everyone executed their moves correctly. Lunch time, went back to Dayang and had a quick lunch before we carry on with the dives.

We moved to Pulau Lang for our second dive. This dive, after we complete what we supposed to do, our instructor will bring us to swim around for a while. So off we went and like the previous time, everything went well and as planned, and as promised, the instructor brought us around. It was simply beautiful. Fishes swimming pass and around you, more dead corals and life corals, clown fish, gigantic rocks and many more.. I was just awsome. Then it was time to surface, up we go and when we all surfaced then we realised that it was raining and the sea was very choppy. We were bobbling up and down the sea and had a hard time trying to stay together. We had to wait for our dive boat to come and rescue us and during the time, it was really scary. Rough sea, no where to stand on and the waves were threatening to hurl us towards the rocks so we had to swim out to the open, to prevent being swept towards the island by the current.

It was took the boat close to an hour just get everyone on board.

When all on board, the weather didn't stop us for going for our last dive for the day. The boatmen took us to the back of an island where the "storm" was blocked by the island. It was still raining there but other then that, everything was so calm. No choppy water, no current and no wind.

Tis is getting too long, cut short. Went for third dive, it was great, many more fishes many more corals and many more gigantic rocks. Dinner then sleep as I caught a bad cold and it is blocking my nose. You can't dive when you got block nose cos you will not be able to equalize when diving. The others were playing cards and enjoying themselves with the night breeze while I had to rest. Sianz to the max.

Woke up feeling okay and went for my final two dives before we head back home. The last two dives was fun and exciting as it was leisure dives. During the first dive, I had a hard time trying to equalise and had to blow very hard just to equalise. Other then that, we swam around and there were so many things to see, beautiful corals, lots of fishes but I don't know any of their names... Oh the only one I know, clown fish.. :pOne word to describe it, awesome!

After I surface, realised that from the blowing of nose, my nose bled and that didn't stop me from going for my last dive. This time, I decent very slowing and it did help and it wasn't that difficult to equalise this time.

After the dive, we packed up, showered and headed back home. This time it was day time so during the slow boat ride back, we could see further and it wasn't as boring. Played games with the diving instructor through out the ride and we saw dolphins too! Two times some more. It's so different from what you see from those confined ones... :)

Then another 4 hours bus ride before we reach Singapore. Tired...

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


星期二 阴

外面刚下完雨 路面湿湿的 还好已经换上了新皮鞋 以前那双是很舒服但是就是太猾了 穿久了的鞋始终是要换的 那双超猾的鞋很快的就会被我遗忘 几个以月后 它积满了灰尘时就会被丢掉 鞋的一生就是如此吗

刚吃完午餐回来 坐在电脑前发呆 不知工作该从哪儿开始 就是一直的发呆 今天的午餐是和吴妈妈一块儿吃的 就我们俩 吃完后 就聊到时间到了才舍得上来 也读了今天的 Digital Times 发现原来新加坡也有很多人在 Blog 而且都很不错的 你们也去看看吧

周末很快又要来凌了 但是这个周末跟其他的不一样 这个周末要去马来西哑潜水 到十八米深的海里看鱼 想了都很兴奋 等了一个月的这一个星期终於到了 好兴奋


Friday, July 15, 2005


啊 大家盼望快点来凌的周末终于等到了 虽然今天过得不是很顺利 但是一想到明天不用上班 什么烦恼都没了

今天是思恩的生日 祝你二十。。。岁生日快乐 身体健康 早日找到你的如意郎君 呵呵

回想起来 这个星期的起起落落很多 事情多 想的也多 可能是这些事使到我很累 有时累得不想起床不想上班

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


好累 眼睛快睜不开了 从午饭回来后 头就点个不停 今天又不能早睡 怎么办

我觉得我blog的次数越来越少了 那些忠诚的支持者 真不好意思噢 呵呵呵呵 我会尝试多点blog

很快的一天就要过去了 过不久要下班了 终於等到了 过去的4个小时真难过

今晚又要去上潜水的预备班 是最后一堂课了 还得好好的教宝贝

啊 该走了 再见

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


转眼间就已经是七月了 时间过得真快 其实刚过去的一个星期不是过的很充实快乐 特别是今天 烦

其实上个星期有尝试过blog 但是写了一半 灵感就突然消失得无影无踪 写不下去 抱歉

不知怎么的 今天一到公司 开了电脑后 心情就不是很漂亮 自己也不知道为什么会这样 对了 男人也有心情不好的时候 不是只有女生才会 女生是有大姨妈来 男生没有 但是不代表男生不能心情不好啊

今天的心 仿佛像是积满了水的乌云 已经刮着强风 只是还没下暴雨

接着一大早又和宝贝闹了 不是我不想和她聊 但是就是没有那个心情 怎么聊 如果聊了她觉得我不认真 还是会闹的 嗨

午饭后看了她的blog才知道早上有位畜生烦着我宝贝 畜生快滚开 宝贝那里没有你吃的东西 你还是去属於你的地方吧 垃圾

嗨 时间到了 又要去见客户了 还有今天唯一透过那层厚厚的乌云的一道细光终於出现了 明天因为公司装修 不用上班