Yes, my ex-campmate Soon Leong was in Beijing for a short training recently and he managed to extend his stay in Beijing for 2 nights to company me. Very nice of him..
Well I would say it was an experience for him, a great one actually. It was his first time flying and it was a direct 6 hours flight from Singapore to Beijing on SQ.. I'm sure it would have been sucky if it was on another flight which I don't want to mention.. With no in-flight entertainment, 6 hours would be like forever.. One time is enough for me and all my flights back home will be on SQ..
It may be funny to some that there are actually people who haven't got a chance to travel far. At first I was quite surprised too when he told me that, but I've come to realised that not many people are fortunate enough to even have a chance to travel. And I am really greatful of what I have, I just have to work hard and prove myself.
Back to Ah Long, he was suppose to be heading to Shenzhen to "see" his company's factory but 2 weeks before he flies, he was informed that he will be attending a training in Beijing instead. Is this fate? Hmm.. If I were to be back in Singapore 1 week later, I would have missed him.
I met him at his hotel on friday afternoon and brought him to lunch at a nearby "狗不理包子" shop. Unfortunately the buns failed to impress us at all, just very normal buns I would say. Maybe it would be better if it was made in Tianjing.. Anyway, after that we headed to Hongqiao to shop for Jessica's LV.. Hee.. We didn't find the model which she was looking for but I hope she liked the one which Ah Long bought. *fingers crossed.. We went there first cos Hongqiao was near to his hotel, just a few kilometers South of where his hotel is.
Hmm.. I better not go into details of what we did.. If not this post will be farking long. I will jus talk about our trip to 圆明园.

This is Ah Long at the entrance of 圆明园 before we go in.

View from a stupid 亭 in the middle of a drying up pond.. There were 2 people sleeping behind me and they totally spoiled the image of the 亭. Crappy..

Ah Long..

This is a picture of a maze we walk through in the Yuanmingyuan Ruins Scene area. 15 yuan just to go in, and that's on top of the entrance tickets to Yuanmingyuan.

The center of the maze lies a stone 亭. Hur hur..

The inside of the stone 亭.
A quick intro, this ruins area is an area made up of stone buildings, or what's left of it that was made many years ago and design to look like the Western buildings. When the French and British invaded China, they destroyed most of the building and took all the valuable stuffs. Some of which is still with some collectors and some in museums around the world.

Part of a stone carving on the floor.

More Ah Long..

Ice Cream break on a warm and beautiful day..

Ah Long at a lake.. It's a huge lake in a huge "garden"..

These flowers can be seen almost everywhere of the garden. It would be alot nicer in june when all the flowers and lotus in the garden are fully grown. It is still growing when we were there. So you can imagine how nice it will be..

A close up of the flower.

This is a Panorama picture of the huge lake..

This was taken when I send Ah Long off to take cab. I jus woke up so i look sucky.
Anyway, didn't have much time to bring Ah Long around due to his limited time in Beijing. But we did go drinking at "后海" and "三里屯" area where all the pubs are. It has been a long time since I last drink with a friend. How I miss those days.. Can't wait for Jeremy to come in October..
Sorry if this update is brief but it will be super boring if I go in details.
Take care all..